Thank you for stumbling across my blog! I promise that you just made the best decision of your life!...or the worst..... I probably shouldn't be making such promises...
Anyway this blog is the result of years and years of "what ifs” I've had when pondering on whether or not to start a blog. I've been reading tons of fashion blogs regularly for nearly 5 years now, which triggered my interest toward blogging in the first place. Still thus far those “what ifs” led to me creating blogs that only saw daylight for their honeymoon phase and then suddenly ceased to exist. That is UNTIL NOW. This time, due to the fact that as my new year’s resolution I challenged myself to blog regularly for at least a year, I will give blogging my A-game. Whether or not I succeed will be another story, but hopefully you'll be part of it as well!
Now for the content of this blog, I like to think of myself as an impulsive person so I cannot really predict what I'll be writing about but as a shameless shopaholic and somewhat regular lookbooker, I would guess that most of my post's will be fashion and trend related. I also love travelling and adventures so I'd guess this blog won’t fall short on those areas either. Most definitely this blog will have an overflow of my weird sense of humour so consider yourselves warned. But to give you a better idea of the person sitting behind the computer here are some "fun" facts about me:
I'm a 20-year-old girl from Helsinki, Finland who's currently studying in Edinburgh, Scotland. As stated before I’m a huge shopaholic and trend-lover who loves to play dress up any chance she gets. I'm also a very skilled procrastinator and my other "hobbies" include addictive watching of far too many TV-shows and films, reading (usually the books those shows and films are based on, blogs, or magazines), lookbooking, travelling, laughing (in inappropriate situations), napping, eating and dancing. I'm also trying my best with keeping up with running and going to the gym but my talents in the field of procrastination make this very difficult. Overall I would describe myself as goofy and fun, but I know my friends would probably call me weird and lazy hahaha.
Finally this blog was created so that I could have my “sweet escape” from reality and boredom, and hopefully I'll be able to provide it for you too!
I'm truly grateful to whatever led you to find my blog in the vastness of the internet and I hope I didn’t scare you off too much so that at least one of you might consider visiting again.
Adios for now and see you soon, hopefully!
Oh and for those of you who are interested in my personal style you can find more about it on my lookbook profile here, any hypes are truly appreciated!